Update Protection Key

Update protection key according to the action specified.

Method Type URI
POST v90/ws/target.ws

Sample Request

See Sample XML for Protection Key Web Services. The XML element names are self-explanatory. Some of the important elements are as follows:

NOTE   The XML must comply with the schema provided for Protection key (see XSD for Protection Key Web Services).

XML Elements Description Type

(Required) The action to be taken on the Protection key. Action can be one of the following:

>Checkin—Updates key information in the database. If key already exists, checks if it has pending updates or if it needs force introduce. Then it returns the key state (Products/Features/memory on the key).

>Read—Takes the C2V as input and returns the decoded state of the C2V.

>Readlatest—Takes the Key ID as input and returns the latest state of the product key from Sentinel LDK-EMS. See Sample Request for Read Latest Action.

>Format—Cleans Products and memory data from the key in the C2V. Returns the V2C file.

>ForceIntroduce—Overrides the key information in the database (by changing the update state to REMOVED) and inserting new information.

>Enable—Changes the key state to enabled.

>Disable—Changes the key state to disabled.

>Fingerprint—Gets the fingerprint of the Protection key by C2V.

>Locate—Locates the Protection key by C2V.

>Clearclone—Creates a V2C file, which, when applied on the cloned machine, clears the key.

>ClearTimeTamper—Re-enables blocked applications by changing the V-Clock time.

You can specify the time using the tag <vclock_time></vclock_time>.

If you do not specify a time, the server time will be set on the key. Before applying a V2C file to reset the V-Clock using the system clock, the system clock on the end user machine must be set to the current date and time.

See Sample Request for ClearTimeTamper Action.

>ConvertV2CToExe (Deprecated)—(Not supported for V2CP files) Converts the V2C corresponding to the C2V to an .exe file. The sample XML for this action is different from the sample mentioned above. See Sample XML for Protection Key Web Services.

NOTE   The response for this action is an XML string. The <Exe>...</Exe> tags in the XML contain the V2C text.

>v7.3 and later—The V2C text is compressed, base-64-encoded. You decode and decompress this text using the GZIPInputStream Java class and saving it as an EXE file. See Update Protection Key.

>For v7.2 and earlier—The V2C text is base-64-encoded (not compressed).


(Required) The C2V string.


Sample Response


HTTP Status Code: 200

Response Body

>For SL:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <name>DEMOMA - evaluation</name>
              <fingerprint_control_type>ISV Managed</fingerprint_control_type>
            <name>Sl admin mode</name>
                  <count_criteria>Per Station</count_criteria>
                  <count_criteria>Per Station</count_criteria>

>For HL:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <flash_memory_size>No Flash</flash_memory_size>


HTTP Status Code: 404

Response Body: Product does not exist.